
DataFart lets you easily graph data from the command line.

How it Works

$ datafart < data.txt

Go to the url to see your data. Your data is only kept on the server for ten minutes, so open the url quickly.

$ open

Data Format

$ cat example_data.txt
1.0 2.61 3.1
1.2 2.11 4.8
2.1 3.40 5.2

Data is organized into columns of numbers that will be parsed into 64bit floats.

Each line is scanned for numbers that match /[-+]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*/, and all other characters are ignored. Feel free to delimit using whitespace, commas or chess pieces:

$ echo '
1 ♚ 2 ♛ 3 ♜ 4 ♝ 5 ♞ 6 ♟ 7
2 ♚ 3 ♛ 3 ♜ 4 ♝ 4 ♞ 5 ♟ 8
3 ♚ 4 ♛ 3 ♜ 4 ♝ 3 ♞ 4 ♟ 9' | datafart


$ alias datafart='curl --data-binary @-'

That's it. You might want to put that in your .bashrc so it sticks around for a while.

Anticipated FAQ

Why is this useful?
It's probably not for most people. I often need to quickly see the shape of some data, but I can never remember how to use Gnuplot.
What graphing library does this use?
NVD3. It's a very nice collection of prebuilt d3.js graphs.